Recent Interviews Given by Réal Bélanger

Réal Bélanger, directeur général adjoint of the Dictionnaire biographique du Canada/Dictionary of Canadian Biography (DBC/DCB) and author of a few biographies, including that of Sir Wilfrid Laurier (1841-1919), has recently made several appearances in the media.

Source: Canada’s History

In early October Mr Bélanger was one of the experts interviewed by Maclean's (Toronto) to produce a ranking of Canada’s prime ministers. To read the resulting article, click here.

The 175th anniversary of Wilfrid Laurier’s birth will be celebrated on 20 November. Mr Bélanger gave interviews about our first francophone prime minister to the magazine Canada's History (Winnipeg) and to the Cable Public Affairs Channel (CPAC).

The Canada's History article can be found in the October-November issue. To watch the interview with Réal Bélanger on CPAC, click here.


Réal Bélanger holds a doctorate in Canadian and Quebec political history. A retired professor from the history department at the Université Laval, he has been the directeur général adjoint of the Dictionnaire biographique du Canada/Dictionary of Canadian Biography since 1998. A specialist in biography, ideologies, and political parties, he has written several scholarly books and articles. For his work Wilfrid Laurier. Quand la politique devient passion, he won the Maxime Raymond prize in 1990. In 2012, as co-director of the DBC/DCB, he received, along with his colleague John English, the prestigious Governor General’s History Award for Popular Media: the Pierre Berton Prize. He is also the author of the biography Henri Bourassa: le fascinant destin d’un homme libre (1868–1914)(Québec, 2013), which in 2014 was awarded the prize of la Présidence de l’Assemblée Nationale du Québec (best book on Quebec politics in 2014). To date he has participated in conferences at the universities of the Sorbonne (Paris), Edinburgh, Oxford, and London, among others.